International Affairs KG

Three new Women’s Creative Labs launched in Kyrgyzstan’s Naryn region

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says it is launching three Women’s Creative Labs in At-Bashy, Kochkor, and Kyzart villages in Kyrgyzstan’s Naryn region. These Labs will be run by the Public Foundation “Alliance of Trainers and Consultants – PF ATiK” and the Public Association “Naryn Center for Economic Development”.

The Women’s Creative Lab is an inclusive, safe, creative space created for girls and women who want to develop in creative industries. It is a platform to share ideas, find support and build useful networking.

The labs aim to support women’s entrepreneurship and empower women in the creative industries by providing access to educational and informational resources and safe workspaces.

The main activities of the laboratories are set by the existing business concentration and growth potential of traditional sectors through the development of creative skills and creative entrepreneurship. The new laboratories in Naryn region are focused on the development of tourism, handicrafts, creation of high-margin products based on herbs and berries traditionally grown in the area, as well as training residents in digital marketing and e-commerce skills.

“We see the established Women’s Creative Labs in the South helping unlock women’s creative potential and strengthen their role in society. Moreover, they are becoming a sustainable and dynamic model for women leaders to interact with local authorities and development partners. UNDP continues to support projects that promote gender equality, and we are proud that together with our partners we are creating opportunities for women’s self-fulfillment and community well-being,” said Monica Rijal, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan. 

The labs are expected to become fully operational in December 2024. Over the next six months, they will support 300 women in these locations. In addition, more than a thousand residents will join the labs through public events, joint initiatives, and business projects. 

The Lab’s successful experience in Osh in 2022 has enabled the launch of spaces in Jalal-Abad and Batken regions in 2023.

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