The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), represented by Ruslan Dalenov, Vice Chairman of the Management Board, and Karaganda Energotsentr, a 100% subsidiary of Kazakhstan Utility Systems, represented by Flyur Garipov, General Director, have signed a 13-year, US $240 million long-term loan agreement to finance the modernization and expansion of Karaganda Combined Heat and Power Plant 3 (CHPP-3).
Karaganda Energotsentr is the primary electricity producer in the Karaganda Region and the sole provider of district heating for the city of Karaganda.
The project will increase the generation capacity of Karaganda CHPP-3 by 140 MW of electricity and 180 Gcal/hour of heat, ensuring reliable energy supplies to Kazakhstan’s grids and heat distribution to new residential microdistricts in Karaganda.
The upgraded facility will supply heat to over 400 additional homes and social institutions and improve overall heat distribution in Karaganda.
The new power unit will feature state-of-the-art energy and environmental systems, fully compliant with the requirements of Kazakhstan’s Environmental Code for new equipment. Advanced dust filtration systems and reductions in nitrogen, sulphur and carbon oxide emissions are expected to significantly lower the plant’s environmental impact.
“This project is an important step in modernising the region’s energy infrastructure, and the expanded Karaganda CHPP-3 will become the largest combined heat and power plant in the country,” said Ruslan Dalenov, Vice Chairman of the EDB Management Board.
“The expansion of CHPP-3 is not just an investment in the energy sector – it is a contribution to the future of the region and the well-being of its residents. By installing the new power unit, we are strengthening energy supplies in the Karaganda Region while working to improve environmental standards at generation facilities,” said Sabyrgali Idrisov, General Director of Kazakhstan Utility Systems.